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Blue Gorgonia Blue Gorgonia Bubble Coral Right Side Bubble Coral
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Grinch, The Algae Blenny Button Polyps  Clown Goby & Toadstool Ricordias Zoos
Original Lighting Added VHOs Starting Over October 2003 Clown & Anemone
Original Lighting 110-watt VHOs Added Starting Over 9-2003 Making Progress 10-2003 Clownfish & Anemone
Flame Scallop Mushroom Rock Yellow Polyps Fox Coral White Hammer Coral
Flame Scallop Shrooms Yellow Colonial Polyps Fox Coral White Hammer Coral
Green Hammer Coral Clown & Anemone Clown Goby Fighting Conch January 2004
Green Hammer Coral Clownfish & Anemone   Clown Goby Fighting Conch January 2004
Daisy Coral 01_29_04_img032.jpg (227084 bytes) 01_29_04_img034.jpg (152214 bytes) 01_29_04_img045.jpg (230711 bytes) 01_29_04_img048.jpg (219649 bytes)
Daisy Coral Purple & Blue Ricordia Mandarin Goby Orange & Green Zooanthid Button Polyps
11_02_03_img001.jpg (155926 bytes) Peppermint Shrimp Mandarin Goby Banded Pipefish Babies
Xenia Peppermint Shrimp Mandarin Goby Banded Pipe Fish  When They Were "Babies"

Serpent Star Leather Coral Rock Anemones Green Star Polyps Elephant Slug
Serpent Star Leather Coral Rock Anemone Metallic Green Star Polyps Elephant Slug
Zoo Rock Zoos Zoos Zoos
Zooanthid (Zoos) Rock Zoos More Zoos & More Zoos

This page was last updated on 01/09/05.

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